Emmalina Ballerina

Dream, Unwind, Relax, Enjoy, Smile, Dance, Laugh and Love.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Life as we know it.

Soo I'm back in KL again for the upteenth time this summer break. It's been a busy one. Just got back last week from an impromptu trip to Melbourne... Alots been happening! Went to singapore two weeks ago for work for 5 days, and yesterday was a shoot for Lipton which was actually decent fun. Was well on time and not super huge amounts of lag time... Upcoming is some work for makeup and another shoot or so to help with organising. 

Its crazy how much can happen in a summer, how much you can gain, how much you can lose and how much you can be changed. I've made some new friends and met some great people, and I've also lost somebody who meant alot to me, I miss you and think of you every day...

I get over people who say something and do go through with what they say they'll do.. So my words are to just up and out and move away from them. : )

Speak later x

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